Before we were locked down in Sydney recently I was fortunate to photograph some brilliant art from a local artist. I’d always wanted to create a Virtual Art Gallery and since I now have the art I set to work creating this Art Gallery. The Gallery itself is a stock asset from the Unity Asset Store that I purchased. Using Unity I modified it slightly to accommodate the art. Then I added new tree in the courtyard, some grass and a procedural sky to give the whole thing a realistic atmosphere. At this point it’s basically a game but at high resolution it wouldn’t run well on lower end pc’s or tablets so I captured the 360 images and made a Tour out of them.
I can now control where the viewer can go and also easily add the larger image hot spots on the frames.
While I purchased the Art Gallery it’s a simple process to create the exact same thing from a buildings plans and then add the textures to create the Virtual Builders Tour.